Teacher Enrichment Programme

Learn Story Pedagogy and teach your students through stories.

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Stories Matter presents a one-of-a-kind Teacher Enrichment Programme (TEP) that teaches story pedagogy and can help students learn various skills through stories.

Nowadays, educators face many challenges when trying to maintain a safe and engaging learning environment. Vast amount of information are now easily accessible in different formats, classrooms are more diverse and old methods of teaching are exclusionary, and attention spans have also decreased as we’ve firmly adapted to retaining only bite-sized information. Given this, teachers need to urgently cope with these changing times to help children engage meaningfully with education. There is thus a growing need for educational institutions to rethink the methods they deploy for teaching, and this programme equips you to do just that.

TEP consists of five carefully designed modules of two hours each. An individual or organization can either take the complete 10-hour course or opt for individual modules based on their requirement. At Stories Matter, our goal is to sensitise teachers to these changes, equip them with practical tools to adapt to them, while keeping the focus solely on ensuring that children benefit the most.

Why teach through storytelling?

Stories are one of the most powerful means to influence, teach, and inspire students. Here’s why storytelling has been proven effective for learning:

  1. It forges connections among people, and between people and ideas. Through stories, we learn not just about concepts but also the culture and history of our society.
  2. A story helps build familiarity and trust, and allows the student to be more receptive to receiving knowledge. A good story makes it easier for students to grasp complex concepts. Plus, they have the added benefit of being far more engaging than a dry recitation of facts and figures.
  3. Research and our own personal experience has proven time and time again that stories stick.


Total Duration


Each Module



Online and In-person


Single module: Rs 5,000 INR

Full TEP: Rs 25,000

20% discount if you bring a buddy


1. Integrating Stories In Regular Curriculum

  • What is story pedagogy?
  • Objectives
  • Story Selection
  • Storytelling
  • Creating an Integrated Lesson Plan

2. Art Of Storytelling

  • Importance of storytelling
  • Why do stories matter?
  • Who creates your story?
  • What is a good story?

3. Develop LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing) Skills Through Storytelling

  • A primer on LSRW skills
  • Story time
  • Activities on LSRW skills
  • Content creation

4. Develop SEL Skills Through Storytelling

  • Understanding SEL skills
  • Story Time
  • Activities on SEL
  • Content Creation

5. Creating Inclusive Classrooms

  • What does inclusion mean?
  • Why is it important?
  • Creating emotionally safe spaces
  • Unlearning to learn

Book A Training

Email at [email protected]
or fill the form below

    Group TrainingIndividual Training